The Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters, publicly commit to join the worldwide Catholic community in responding to Pope Francis' urgent call to participate in a seven-year journey toward ecological sustainability whereby we address the climate crisis which threatens Our Common Home, the Earth, and its inhabitants, especially the most vulnerable. This commitment energizes the heart of our mission to stand with those on the margins and gives it a new focus for this critical time.
We pledge to develop a seven-year action plan to respond to the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor.
We are a small and aging community. In view of this reality, we whole-heartedly commit to collaborate with others in the work of caring for the Earth and reversing the damage humanity has caused to our Brothers and Sisters and to our Planet Earth.
With this public commitment on January 4, 2022, the Victory Noll Sisters enrolled in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. This is the Vatican led initiative to facilitate a response by the whole Church to the challenges Pope Francis put forth in his encyclical “Laudato Si’” to respond to the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor. By this commitment we are joining all segments of the Catholic community in a seven-year journey of prayer and action. The challenges in Laudato Si’ and the crisis we are facing energizes our mission for this critical time. It means looking at what we have done and are already doing and building upon it.
The Vatican is inviting families, dioceses and parishes, religious orders, schools and universities, healthcare institutions, businesses and organizations to enroll in the Laudato Si Action Platform. Together we can make a difference. And in the words of Pope Francis: We can all do something! Laudato Si’, Praise God!
Prayer by Religious Congregations of Women and Men representing 660,000 members Worldwide
God of communion, enable us to become communities of participatory action and advocacy, for the Earth and the poor. Enable our religious communities, in particular, to be prophetic servant leaders in the care of our common home and of the least among us. Amen.