Meet the Sisters
We are often referred to as Victory Noll Sisters, or Victory Noll Missionaries, titles honoring Our Blessed Lady of Victory and recalling our benefactor, Archbishop John Francis Noll.
Our founder, Father John Joseph Sigstein, has clearly stated, "The particular spirit of our dear Society is our True Devotion, .. a way of life in which we learn to know Jesus more intimately through dependence on Mary. The traditional expression of the spirit of True Devotion according to St. Louis de Montfort is "All for Jesus through Mary"
"Meeting modern needs with modern means" is the challenge presented by our founder. These words guide us in continually evaluating and reforming the vision of our life and ministry in light of the signs of the times and the particular needs of the people. We are all called to participate in this process according to our unique gifts and limitations
Called by the Spirit to a missionary life, we live the vision of Father Sigstein, who placed us under the patronage of Our Blessed Lady of Victory and commissioned us to share Christ's love with the poor and neglected in a personal, non-institutional way.
Not bound by ownership of schools, hospitals or other institutions, we live simply and hospitably among the people. Through our devotion to Mary, we strive to mirror her spirit of simplicity in all our relationships. We consecrate ourselves to Jesus through Mary and embrace our mission with openness, humility and courage.
We proclaim the gospel in creative and flexible ways through pastoral, catechetical, social and health care services, in order to promote the reign of God in justice and peace.
Through prayer and apostolic community life, we seek to be rooted ever more deeply in Christ and to build communities of love and service. We are one in Christ.

Sr. Guadalupe Aguilar-Huanca
I was born in La Paz, Bolivia and I have four brothers and two sisters. They are all in Bolivia. I am certified as a Nurse and a Home Health Care Assistant. I worked for four years in a Nursing Home. I have an Associate in Applied Science as a Gerontology Specialist. I am enjoying an internship at Hartwell Place, in Chicago. Hartwell Place is an assisted living community with engaging programming for people with memory loss.

Sr. Kathleen Cummings
Sr. Kathleen, from Jackson, Mich., entered OLVM in 1954. Her mission work has taken her to California, Utah and Indiana, where she has served as catechist and in computer technology. She was a member of the Leadership Team as General Treasurer and an executive trustee of the OLVM Community Support Trust.

Sr. Beatrice Haines
I entered the congregation from Goshen, In. I have had a variety of ministries, however, my favorite ministry was at a Center founded in Chicago by four of us Victory Noll Sisters to be of service to immigrants, especially women. To me being a Victory Noll Sister means sharing life with my sisters in a Community dedicated to Mary, ministering for and with others as Jesus did, with a preference for those living in poverty.

Sr. Adela Amoroso-Medrano
I was born in Oruro, Bolivia. I am a registered nurse and licensed in anthropology. I studied philosophy and theology. In my missionary life I worked in several ministries but my passion is family catechesis. To me it is very important to catechize families in order for them to commit to God and His church. I worked in Bolivia and the United States as director of religious education. In El Centro, CA, I have supported seniors in their needs and also helped them obtain their US citizenship.

Sr. Virginia Downey
I was raised in Wyoming and graduated from the University of Wyoming before entering the congregation. I have masters degree in liturgical studies from Saint John’s University, Collegeville, MN. I have worked at all levels of catechetical and liturgical ministry including at the diocesan level. The last 10 years I have been in leadership for the congregation and am looking forward to bringing the collaborative archive, Heritage and Research Center, to realization.

Sr. Jeanette Halbach
I am a happy person. Grateful for my parents, Joe and Loretta Halbach, my sister, Jocelyn Halbach Rufflo, all my nieces and nephews and my Victory Noll Sisters. I have a Masters Degree from the University of Notre Dame and have taught English, music and Social Encyclicals in high school and college. With four other Victory Noll Sisters I founded Julia Center, an education and enrichment Center for immigrant families. I continue to live and minister in Chicago.

Sr. Teresa Aparicio-Cervantes
Sr. Teresa is a native of Zacupa Michocan, Mexico, joining OLVM in 1968. She directs Casa de las Comunidades in Albuquerque. Sr. Teresa bases her ministry on the work of Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker movement to provide direct aid to the poor and homeless through hospitality and the goal of creating community. “My immigrant roots have helped me to understand my Christian vocation, and to pass on God’s mission to all,” she says. “This vocational call inspires me to be the ecclesial voice and to walk with solidarity among the suffering of all the immigrants in the world.”

Sr. Guadalupe Flores-Ocaña
I was born in a Colquiri mining center and grew up in the city of Oruro, Bolivia. In my religious life, I have studied theology and philosophy. In Bolivia, I served as a catechist and worked with in youth ministry. In the United States, my ministries in San Bernardino, California, were as a Director of Religious Education, Young Adult Ministry, and Spiritual Direction. In San Antonio, Texas, I was involved in adult faith formation. I was the main speaker at retreats for different parishes. I am currently in the Diocese of Charleston, South Carolina, as a Hispanic Adult Faith Formation Coordinator, and Spiritual Director. I write articles for our Diocesan Magazine name "Miscellany.”

Sr. Constance Lewandowski
My home is Milwaukee Wisconsin. I left home in September 1951 to join OLVM sisters. I celebrated 70 years in 2021, grateful that God has called me. I traveled to 10 states to work in Religious Education catechist and also a full time DRE (Director of Religious Education). My favorite state was New Mexico because of the beautiful scenery and the people I worked with. I’m very thankful to be part of the OLVM sisters.

Sr. Alma Bill
I am from Arcadia, Wisconsin. I received my B.A. in History, M.S. in Education, and M.A. in Religious Studies. I conducted Religious Education classes in California, Indiana, Florida, Missouri and Arizona. I contributed to the “On Our Way” series by W.H. Sadlier, with the seventh grade and confirmation teachers’ guides and student texts. I helped rewrite our Constitutions, approved by Rome in 1990. My final publication was The Story of Victory Noll II, 1980-2004.” I treasure my years in the service of the Lord.

Sr. Valeria Foltz
I deeply admired the priest and sisters in our parish at St. Mary of the Angels parish in rural Humphrey Nebraska. I wanted to be like them Father Theodore (my Uncle) became a Franciscan and was a priest for forty five years. When he passed from our hands to God’s hands into his heavenly kingdom. As I prayed there during my hour of vigil, I found myself profoundly moved. I realized he had given his entire adult life to God. “Dear Lord” I prayed “I want to take his place in your vineyard to work with the poor and teach the truths of our holy religion.”

Sr. Leora Linnenkugel
I was born in Toledo and have two brothers and two sisters still living around Toledo. I am the general treasurer for our Congregation. I have a Bachelor degree from the University of Toledo and a Master’s degree from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. I enjoy working with immigrants and serving on boards and finance committees for OLVM, Religious Congregations’ Impact Funds (RCIF), Religious Formation Conference (RFC), Bethany House of Hospitality and Julia Center, Inc.