Enlivened by the Spirit
As we continue our journey of “Transforming Grace and Consciousness” we rely on the help of God’s Holy Spirit within and around us to create connections vs. division, respect vs. rudeness, love vs. hate, truth vs. lies.
Song: Taize, Veni Sancte Spiritu,
Veni Sancte Spiritusnt that they may grow in you and persevere to the end. Give them lasting joy! Veni Sancte Spiritus.
In the season of Pentecost, we hear the remembrance of the ways that those first gathered in Christian community understood the message in their own language. At the same time, there were still differences of culture and understanding. How do we preserve the right for freedom of speech while also standing for non-violence and making of peace? Listen this week for places where you may experience discomfort as you encounter freedom of speech and rhetoric that does harm. Notice what happens to you as you consider this dilemma in light of our work to address polarization.
-LCWR Reflection, 5/19
Silent Reflection
Holy Spirit, open our eyes to the root causes of hatred and violence, especially in our own country, we pray.
Holy Spirit, help us to wake up to the reality of racism and help us to avoid any behavior or attitude that excludes others or causes another to de-value their own worth, we pray.
Holy Spirit, bring conversion and healing to bullies, oppressors and those who perform hate crimes, we pray.
Holy Spirit, help us to see our complicity in attitudes, actions and words which perpetuate harm to others. Guide and strengthen us by your Holy Spirit, to continue our journey of “Transforming Grace and Consciousness” inspired by the radical call of the Gospel.
“Be still and know that I am God”
Wonderful counselor, comforter,
God with usYou will never abandon us
You will always be with us
Your promises are sure
Help us to give like you, forgive like you, live for you.
-Catholic Relief Services, Pentecost Prayer
Silent Reflection