SISTER FRANCESCA McGARRY, OLVM, 94, a Victory Noll Sister, died Tuesday, February 11, 2020, at Saint Anne Community Victory Noll, Huntington Indiana.
Sister Francesca was born in Euclid, Ohio, on April 17, 1925, to John McGarry and Frances (Wagner) McGarry. Her two brothers, John and Thomas McGarry, precede her in death. Sister Francesca is survived by her two sisters, Eileen Shelton and Kathleen Mlakar, both of Willoughby, Ohio; her nieces and nephews; and her Victory Noll Sisters with whom she shared life and community for 74 years.
Sister Francesca entered the Congregation of Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters on February 4, 1946, and made first vows on August 5, 1948. She served in the missions in California, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Colorado and Illinois. Sister Francesca worked mainly in the area of social work and served in many dioceses in this area. She served as the Vocation Director for the Congregation before working to start three outreach and ministry centers; Gary Arts Outreach, Victory Noll Ministry Center and the Julia Center. She also worked with immigration, refugees, the homeless and those in prison. She returned to Victory Noll in 2016 and continued to be involved in many social justice issues.
A Vigil Service will be at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, February 14, 2020, with a visitation from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., at Archbishop Noll Memorial Chapel, 1900 W Park Drive, Huntington, IN.
A Mass of Resurrection will be held at 10:30 AM, Saturday, February 15, 2020, with a visitation from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Archbishop Noll Memorial Chapel, 1900 W Park Drive, Huntington, IN.
Burial will be at Victory Noll Cemetery, Huntington, IN. McElhaney-Hart Funeral Home, 715 N. Jefferson St., Huntington, IN is in charge of arrangements.
Online condolences: www.mcelhaneyhartfuneralhome.com.