SISTER PAULA WELLNITZ, OLVM, 91, a resident of Saint Anne at Victory Noll, passed away, March 28, 2020, at Saint Anne at Victory Noll, Huntington, Indiana.
Sister Paula was born in Elgin, IL on December 1, 1928 to Paul Wellnitz and Catherine Brugger Wellnitz. Three brothers, Paul, Gregory and David Wellnitz, all precede her in death. Several nieces and nephews survive her along with her Victory Noll Sisters with whom she shared life and community for 71 years.
Sister Paula entered the Congregation of Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters on October 27, 1948 and made first vows on August 5, 1951. She served in the missions in the states of California, Colorado, Tennessee, Washington, South Dakota and Utah. Sister taught Religious Education and ministered as a mental health counselor before opening her house for retreats. "Home Place" in Orangeville, Utah was where she lived and served until returning to Victory Noll in November of 2018.
All services will be private with burial at Victory Noll Cemetery.
McElhaney-Hart Funeral Home, 715 N. Jefferson St., Huntington, IN is in charge of arrangements.
Online condolences: www.mcelhaneyhartfuneralhome.com.